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OEM provider



Multicultural and Multilingual team

Market Knowledge

Access to Expertise

Proactive Communication

Outsourced and OEM manufacturing has been an inevitable move these days due to the fact that some regions such as China and Southeast Asia can produce a large volume of goods with a much more cost-competitive point. However outsourcing or OEM contracts in Southeast Asia can be a daunting experience to some companies, mainly because of the language, culture, working style differences, and fraud.

Just as with many other decisions for your business, selecting the right OEM partner may be the most important decision you have to make during the project. With a good partner, you will have access to high-quality materials and products, competitive prices, and other benefits.

We try every day to make sure that you can get rid of their worry about quality, delivery time, price, and communication so that you can focus on their business core. You will have the flexibility to decide which strategy you want, whether to scale up or down to fit your current situation.


Multicultural  +  Multilingual team: Our team, with extensive experience in the Korean and Asian markets, will support your market needs and provide useful information about orders. We not only understand the local market but are also familiar with the working culture and can easily communicate with locals in English, Korean, and Vietnamese. This ensures smoother and faster communication between parties and better control and monitoring of orders.


Market Knowledge  +  Collaborative Mindset: OEM is a long process that can take months to years to complete, and we will be with you throughout this period. We always look at projects from various perspectives to understand the current situation and how to achieve the best results. By understanding your business model and perspective, we can understand your value chain and actively propose solutions and new ways for all issues.


Access to Expertise  +  Industry Versatility: We have worked in the industry for a long time and have maintained good relationships with many partners in various industries who are willing to share their rich knowledge and skills with us. This allows us to access their professional knowledge that we do not possess and use this knowledge in your products and production. Through diverse perspectives, we can present new ideas and approach projects in innovative ways to lead to much better deals. 


  • Reduce the workload

  • Delegate tasks and projects to experts

  • Focus on your core competencies and business

  • Refocus your efforts

  • Optimize workflow and execution time

  • Save money; optimize expenses and resources

  • Quick response, smooth communication


An OEM partner shouldn’t be assessed just as any other ordinary supplier, but some requirements need to be taken into account. First and foremost, you should not fall into the trap of considering only cost and labor. There are a lot of hidden costs – which do not always come in the form of material – such as the amount of time you and your team have to organize the project, the back-and-forth communication, the lack of transparency, the misunderstanding that costs your opportunity, and the vaguely undescriptive contractual agreement.​

  • Production Capabilities: capability, facilities, process, system… and the ability and readiness to take on complex custom products

  • Manpower - human resource: An experienced team and experts are the key to any project

  • Trustworthiness

  • Communication: effective, complete, clear, and transparent

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