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Material Development

material development

Pink Banana, White Nails

 Nacipe, leveraging a robust supply network in the Vietnamese market, leads the way in product development and production. We swiftly respond to the rapidly changing market and efficiently support your business operations, contributing to business growth and competitive enhancement.


In the food market, the development of new food ingredients and finished products is essential to maintain market competitiveness, ensure consumer health and safety, and pursue sustainable food production. This plays a crucial role in fostering corporate innovation and creativity.


We provide raw material development services, including procurement. This critical element involves finding, purchasing, and managing the raw materials needed for production. Through this, we help find reliable suppliers, negotiate prices and contracts, and ensure results that meet your requirements.

Product development is a collaborative process involving suppliers, buyers, and customers. We support them all to cooperate in developing and purchasing products that align with your goals, strategies, and values.

Through this, we effectively utilize each other's expertise, resources, and networks to achieve superior results. This is precisely the professional service that Nacipe provides as your business partner.


  • Searching for products that meet the specifications

  • Evaluating reliable suppliers

  • Coordinating and supporting communication between suppliers and buyers

  • Ensuring that the materials developed and purchased align with the company’s goals and standards

  • Managing shipping operations according to planned schedules

  • Supporting tasks to improve product specifications.

  • Assisting in sample production tasks


  1. Idea Development: We propose new ideas based on the customer's problems or needs

  2. Market Research: We conduct in-depth market research to fully understand the subject matter

  3. Idea Screening: Through market research, we identify promising ideas and propose them to the customer

  4. Product Development: After selecting suppliers, we collaborate with buyers to create and test samples

Through this process, we leverage our individual expertise and resources to achieve the best results. This is a professional business process designed by Nacipe.

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